privacy & data protection

Dior Privacy Policy

Confidentiality and security of your personal data are important to us. We are committed to offering you personalized services while respecting your privacy and choices.

The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to inform you in a transparent, simple and complete manner about the processing of the personal data that you provide or that we collect through the different touchpoints you use to interact with us (e.g. in store, Customer Department,, social media, digital apps, events), about their possible transfer to third parties as well as your rights and options to control your personal data and protect your privacy.

In this Policy you will find information on:  

  • Who we are
  • What data we can collect about you
  • How we collect or receive your data
  • For what purposes we use it
  • How long we can keep it
  • Who can access your data
  • How we protect it and keep it confidential
  • How we address consumer preferences and individual rights;
  • The additional protections that we provide for residents of certain region;
  • How to contact us if you have questions about our use of your personal data
  • How we protect children’s privacy;
  • The management of cookies on website
  • Modification of this Privacy Policy


Who are we?

When we say "Dior", "us", "our" or "we", we refer to, depending to whom you share your data with as further described in this Privacy Policy:

  • The House of Christian Dior Couture

Being Christian Dior Couture S.A. (headquarter), a limited company governed by French law whose registered office is at 30 avenue Montaigne, Paris 8, France, registered with the Paris Trade and Companies Register under the number 612 035 832 and represented by Hien Tran Trung in his capacity as Administrative and Financial Director of Christian Dior Couture,

And Christian Dior Hong Kong Ltd., a company governed by Hong Kong SAR law whose registered office is at 34/F, Dorset House, Taikoo Place, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong and represented byThierry Ta in hiscapacity as CFO, 

And any Christian Dior Couture affiliates with whom you share information with

(Christian Dior Couture)

  • The House of Parfums Christian Dior

Being Parfums Christian Dior (headquarter), a limited company governed by French law whose registered office is at 33, avenue Hoche, 75008 Paris, France, registered with the Paris Trade and Companies Register under the number 552 065 187, and represented by Laurent Kleitman in his capacity as Chief Executive Officer (CEO), And Parfums Christian Dior Hong Kong Limited, a company governed by Hong Kong SAR law whose registered office is at 34/F Dorset House, Taikoo Place, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong, and represented by Ariel Gentzbourger in her capacity as Regional Director Asia Pacific,

And any Parfums Christian Dior affiliates with whom you share information with

(Parfums Christian Dior)

Christian Dior Couture and/or Parfums Christian Dior are data controllers under the applicable personal data regulations in particular Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (hereinafter "GDPR").


WHAT data may we collect about you?

"Personal data" means any information that could identify you either directly (e.g. your name) or indirectly (e.g. through a unique client ID number).

The personal data we collect depends upon the touchpoint of our interaction, and is also limited to that which is relevant and appropriate for the interaction. Website visitors who browse, online boutique, digital apps and view our products, information and offerings can choose to do so without identifying themselves, and the same applies to in-store and social media browsing. Unless you choose to interact with us via those touchpoints, such as by making a purchase on our site, signing up for one of our programs or services, or posting a comment or a like online, our data collection is limited to the use of ‘cookies’ for website visitors.

For customers and other individuals who sign up for programs or services, we must collect certain relevant information from you. The information we collect is related to the particular transaction as well as our overall relationship with you. For example, if you make purchases from, online boutique or in our stores, we must collect information to process (and, if relevant, fulfill and ship) your order. For customers and other individuals who sign up for our programs or services, we generally collect your contact details, contact preferences, and information that will allow us to make recommendations to you about our products or services that may be of interest. We may centralize the information pertaining to our customers so that we have it organized in one place, as this helps us manage our relationship with you as well as your choices and preferences.

Depending on the data you provide or share with us, personal data may include information related to:

  • Your identity and your contact details
  • Your size and stylistic preferences (only for Christian Dior Couture)
  • Your interests and personal preferences
  • Your purchases (in store or online, including your orders, their tracking and your purchase invoices, the amount and type of your purchase) and your repairs
  • Your online journeys (, online boutique, digital apps, social media pages, partner websites and databases)
  • Your requests through our customer department or our public relations department
  • The Dior events you attend
  • Specific health data if you notify us of any undesirable side-effects concerning any of our products (only for Parfums Christian Dior)

Regarding your purchases, your bank details are encrypted through Dior servers. Payments are made via a secure payment platform PCI-DSS certified, supplemented by control measures, to ensure the security of purchases made and to fight against fraud.

In the context of a job application with Dior, we may collect the following information:

  • Your identity and your contact details
  • Your Curriculum Vitae and your cover letter

We invite you to keep us regularly informed in writing of any change in your contact details.


HOW do we collect or receive your data?

As part of our relationships, we may collect certain data via the following touchpoints:

  •, online boutique and digital apps journey
  • In-store relationship with our salesperson (inc. our corners and boutiques in department stores)
  • Dior events you attend
  • Public Relations relationship
  • Contact with Customer Department
  • Forms you complete (in store or online)
  • Digital apps you use
  • Relational program you benefit from
  • Dior social media pages you visit or comment/like
  • Social media pages on which you post Dior content or comments
  • Digital Media Advertising you click on
  • Search Engines Paid Advertising you click on
  • Third party data providers you share information with (only for Christian Dior Couture)
  • Retailers in which you consent to receive our communications
  • Surveys or satisfaction questionnaire you answer

In relation to our programs and events, the personal data essential to Dior is indicated by an asterisk on each personal data collection form. If you do not provide the data marked with an asterisk, this may affect the products and services that we can provide to you. Other information is optional and allows us to know you better and to improve our communications and services to you.


FOR WHAT PURPOSES are your data used by Dior?

As part of our relationship, depending on the context in which your data is collected, we use your data for:

  • the management of your orders
  • the management of the personalized content and communications with Dior (digital or otherwise)
  • the management of your account and profile
  • the management of your relational program
  • the management of your requests linked with Dior
  • the management of events which you register for / attend
  • the management of alerts you send us as part of our cosmetovigilance obligations (only for Parfums Christian Dior products)
  • the management of your application for a job
  • the management of our website and our digital apps
  • the management and improvement of our products and services, image and reputation.
  • The management of payments (securisation of online transactions, fraud prevention, payment incidents and debt collection)
  • the provision of your personal data to third party platforms so that they may provide you with personalized ads when you use their services and identify other people with a similar profile to you so that they may send similar ads to those people

In the context of your application for a job, we use your data to manage and monitor your application.

The legal basis for the processing of your data can be, depending in which context your data is collected:

  • Your consent (e.g. to manage our tailored services, managing your browsing via cookies)
  • The performance of a contract (e.g. managing your access to your customer account, processing and tracking your orders)
  • A legal obligation when processing is required by law (e.g. retention of purchase invoices, cosmetovigilance for Parfums Christian Dior products)
  • Our legitimate interest: improve our products and services, prevent fraud, secure our tools or tailor our communications


For How Long may we keep it?

We only keep your personal data for as long as we need it to reach the purpose pursued, to meet your needs, or to comply with our legal or business obligations.

As a general principle, your personal data will be retained in our client database:

  • If you are a “client” (i.e. you have already purchased a Dior product): for no more than 10 years after your first purchase for customer relationship management, but no more than 5 years for business development; this period will be renewed each time you interact with Dior (e.g. a purchase)
  • If you are a “prospect” (i.e. you have never purchased a Dior product but you are interested in Dior brand): for no more than 3 years; this period will be renewed each time you interact with Dior (e.g. when participating in an event)
  • If you are in contact with the Public Relations department: for no more than 10 years after initial contact; this period will be renewed each time you interact with Dior (e.g. when requesting information from the Dior House)
  • If you are a “job applicant” (i.e. you apply for a job offered by Dior): for 2 years after your application

Where cookies are placed on your computer, we shall keep them for no more than 13 months.

When we no longer need to use your personal data, it is removed from our systems and records or anonymised so that you can no longer be identified from it.


Who may access your data?

Your data are for Dior services dealing with your requests. We ensure that only duly authorised persons can access your personal data when necessary for the above-mentioned purposes.

We communicate your information only where necessary, and if possible in a form that does not allow a direct identification to:

  • Other Dior entities to provide you with the same personalised service worldwide
  • Our trusted third-party suppliers, including other entities of the LVMH group, acting as processors according to our instructions and solely on our behalf.
    For example, we entrust certain services to third parties in charge of managing cosmestic vigilance alerts (for Parfums Christian Dior products), third parties who assist us in the organisation of our events, third parties providing IT services, digital communication and public relations agencies, third parties who assist us with customer service and logistics services.
  • Department stores in which you buy our products
  • Our trusted third-party partners assisting us in the management of your orders. In particular, we entrust certain services to third parties in charge of delivering you a product, payment service providers and providers securing transactions against fraud.
    Please note that these partners may act as data controller; in such case, they have their own privacy policies.
  • Third parties in the event of a change of control, for legal reasons, or with your prior consent

You may also choose to disclose your personal data to our partners, advertisers or affiliates by following a link to and from their websites. Please note that these websites have their own privacy policies.

We may also offer you the opportunity to use your social media login. Please be aware that in this case you are sharing your profile information with us. The personal data shared depends on your social media platform settings. Please note that these social networks have their own privacy policies.

Furthermore, on your request or with your consent, data regarding your job application may be shared with other companies of the LVMH Group worldwide for recruitment purposes.


HOW do we protect it and keep it confidential?

We have adopted reasonable and appropriate precautions to protect your data from loss, misuse, alteration, destruction or access by unauthorised third parties.

We also require by our partners and group companies to uphold a similar level of protection for your data. The measures are evaluated and updated to address new threats and challenges, as well as new legal requirements in the countries where we operate.

In creating your account on, online boutique, digital apps or in the context of your job applications, entering a personal password complying with our security requirements is compulsory and part of our privacy policy.


HOW do we address cross-border protections?

Because Dior operates in many countries across the world, some of your data may be collected, accessible or stored outside of your country of residence. You should know that the data protection and security requirements differ from place to place, and may not offer the same level of protection as those in your home country. Nevertheless, Dior and our group companies have taken steps to ensure an adequate level of protection of your data irrespective of where it is located, such as by using data transfer methods approved by the European Commission (where the data protection laws are considered to be the strongest worldwide). We also require our third-party partners to fulfill applicable data transfer obligations in relation to the personal data that they receive on our behalf.


How are consumer preferences and individual rights addressed?

In accordance with applicable laws and requirements, Dior and its group companies have put in place measures to fulfill the rights of individuals in relation to the personal data that we (or our third parties) hold about them. This includes, for example, the right to know about the data we hold about you or to obtain a copy, and the limited rights to amend your data, request erasure, or object to the processing of your data. We encourage individuals who have entrusted their data to us to keep it current (such as if you change your email address, address or phone number), so that we have your correct information on file. We also encourage consumers to update their preferences with us, such as in relation to products and the frequency of contacts, so that we can personalize our service to your expectations and needs. Finally, we offer individuals the right to withdraw consent from our programs and offerings at any time. To do so, or to exercise any of these other rights, please use our Contact Us link on, online boutique, digital apps, or email us at For individuals seeking access to their data, we also require authentication to ensure that we are not providing personal data to an unauthorized person.


What additional protections are provided for residents of certain regions? 

Dior has adopted the data protection and security practices described in this Privacy Policy for all individuals within scope. In addition, we also recognize and have addressed data protection and security measures that are required on a local or regional level. This includes, for example, those required for residents of the European Union/European Economic Area under the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2016/679.

In particular, the GDPR provides the following rights:   

  • The right to be informed: you have the right to obtain clear, transparent and easily understandable information about how we use your personal data, and your rights. You will find all this information in this Policy
  • The right of access: you have the right to access to the personal data Dior holds about you
  • The right of rectification: you have the right to have your personal data rectified if it is incorrect or outdated and / or completed if it is incomplete
  • The right to erasure / right to be forgotten: you have the right to have your personal data erased or deleted. Please note this is not an absolute right, as we may have legal or legitimate grounds for retaining your personal data
  • The right to object to direct marketing: you can unsubscribe or opt out of our direct marketing communication at any time. You are able to do so by clicking on the “unsubscribe” link in any email or communication we send you. You are also able to request to receive non-personalised communications about our products and services
  • The right to withdraw consent at any time for data processing based on consent: You can withdraw your consent to our processing of your data when such processing is based on consent
  • The right to data portability: you have the right to move, copy or transfer data from our database to another. This only applies to data that you have provided, where processing is based on a contract or your consent, and the processing is carried out by automated means

You are also entitled to determine your personal data protection guidelines and directives in the event of death or extern circumstances.

You also have the right to contact the data protection authority of your country in order to lodge a complaint against the data protection and privacy practices of Dior.

Please contact us at the contact details below to exercise these rights or if you have any questions or complaints regarding the processing of your personal data.

Note that we may require proof of your identity and full details of your request before we process it.


How does Dior protect children's privacy?

Dior has adopted practices that are designed to ensure that we do not to collect or maintain any information from children under the age of 13. If we learn that we mistakenly collected any information from anyone under the age of 13, we will purge it immediately, except for responding to a question or inquiry on a one-time basis from the individual or his/her parent or legal guardian.


Contact Us

Dior Beauty Customer Service Hotline: (852) 2970 0608

Operation hours: 10:00am to 6:00pm, Monday to Friday, except Public Holiday


Information About Cookie Management Cookie

This section presents our policy for managing cookies on the website.

It aims to explain where the browsing information processed when you visit our website comes from, how it is used, and your rights.


What Is A Cookie?

When you visit our website, we might, depending on the choices you make, store a text file on your device (computer, smartphone, tablet, etc.) through your web browser. 

This text file is a cookie. For as long as it is valid and stored on your device, it will enable Dior to identify your device when you visit the website in the future. 

Only the issuer of a cookie can read or modify information stored in it.

Below you will find information on the cookies that might be stored on your device when you visit pages on the website, either by Dior or by third parties, and how you can delete cookies or refuse to allow them to be stored on your device.


What Is The Purpose Of The Cookies Issued On Dior.Com / Shop.Diorbeauty.Hk?

There are several categories of cookie. Some of them are issued directly by Dior and its providers, and some are issued by third-party companies.

  • The cookies issued by Dior and its providers

Various types of cookie might be stored on your device when you browse our website:

The "essential" cookies are essential for browsing our website, including to ensure that the ordering process runs smoothly. If you delete them it can cause difficulties when browsing our website and make it impossible to place an order. They might be stored on your device by Dior or by its providers. 

"Analytical and Personalization" cookies not essential for browsing our website but making it easier for you to conduct searches, optimiing your buying experience.

"Advertising" cookies, not essential for browsing but allowing you a more relevant advertising offer.

If your device is used by several people and if one device uses several web browsers, we cannot be certain that the services and adverts delivered to your device are determined based on your use of the device and not on that of another user. It is your decision and responsibility whether you share use of your device and configuration of your web browser’s cookie settings with other people.

  • Cookies issued by third-party companies

Cookies are issued and used by third parties on our website in accordance with these third parties’ privacy protection policies. These cookies are not essential for browsing our website.

We might include cookies on our website applications produced by third parties, which enable you to share our site content with other people or to tell other people what content you have been browsing or your opinions of it. This is true of the “Share” and “Like” buttons for social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest.

Social networks that provide buttons like these might be able to use them to identify you, even if you did not use the button when browsing our website. We have no control over the process the social networks use to collect information relating to your browsing of our website and linked to the personal data they hold. Please consult the privacy policy of these social networks.


Managing The Cookies Stored On Your Device

You can decide whether cookies are stored on your device through the cookie setting tool available by clicking here, in the cookie banner or in the footer on

You can also configure your web browser as you wish, so that cookies are accepted and stored on your device, or conversely blocked.

The configuration process is different for each web browser. It is usually described in the browser’s help menu. We urge you to find out how to configure your browser. This will allow you to find out how to change your cookie preferences.

  • For Internet Explorer™:     
  • For Safari:
  • For Chrome:   
  • For Firefox:
  • For Opera™:


Please note: any changes you make to your web browser’s cookie acceptance or blocking settings may change your web browsing experience and the process of accessing services that require the use of these cookies. For example, if you block essential cookies you might no longer be able to place orders on our website.


What Is The Benefit Of Seeing Special Offers And Advertising Tailored To Your Browsing Preferences?

The aim is to show you the most relevant offers and advertising. As such, cookie technology enables us to display content, in real-time, that is best suited to your fields of interest, as deduced from your browsing history on our website. 

The interest you show in content displayed on your terminal when you consult a website often determines the advertising resources of this site, enabling it to provide its services, which are often supplied free of charge to users. You doubtless prefer to see offers and advertising that are relevant to you, rather than content that is of no interest to you at all. Similarly, both Dior and advertisers want their offers and advertising to be shown to Internet users that are likely to be interested in them.


Modification Of This Privacy Policy

In case of modification of this Policy, we will ensure that you are informed of these changes either by a special notice on our site, or by a personalised warning notably in the context of our newsletters.



Version updated on 7 September 2022